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Friday, October 28, 2005

Girls Scream... HALE!!!!!

HALE - latest album
got numerous platinum awards.
one of my favorite song on these album
is " The day you said goodbye".

Yeah. I heard a very loud scream when I’m in the mall today. Thought there were something wrong around and trulyI’m surprise to what I saw... Whew! It was Hale!!! Gosh they are so cute like this oh…

hmmmm.... now i know why they are so fanatic! and i can't deny myself that his.... cute!!!!! and very talented. anyway, they here in our place today for a concert and im not lucky enough to watch them since i have committed to some important matters to attend too. haayyy...better luck next time Belle...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Got a text messages from my best friend Leah this morning that now lives in the U.S. telling me about a movie entitled FLIGHT PLAN. I was so touch because she still keeping me update the latest movie who is not yet been seen here that I should have to watch these out since she knows that is my interest [Movie]. I am so excited to have it here in the big screen soon!
My question is would it be nice or a sloppy one? Well…THAT I have to find out...

Synopsis:The action follows the in-air plight of a woman whose daughter mysteriously disappears while on board a passenger jet. Sarsgaard has a lead part of a passenger sitting near Foster who tries to help her get the situation under control.

Starring:Jodie Foster, Peter Sarsgaard, Erika Christensen, Sean Bean, Amanda Brooks

Directed by: Robert Schwentke

Monday, October 24, 2005

On My music list...

Green day latest music album entitled: American Idiot - specifically track # 15 "Wake Me Up When September Ends" is one of my favorite has added it on my MP3 music list.
The music is very cool... and I like it so much!!!

Flat or Flattering?

I notice particularly the women to our country today are more gets involve on surgery. It is very rampant and open to the public and no…Noh… to hiding anymore. Not unlike before, women who made themselves into surgery to any of their body are ashamed of letting people know about it. They even made themselves to be called denial queen for hiding the truth of being “Thank you Doctor”. Even if it is obvious! LOL no actually I envied to them for being so strong and understand as well as I know mostly people here in P.I are like making gossip because not all can understand how the science and technology evolve to human being.

Let me sight this, we know more of us women are envy to those woman who have big bust. Those who are not satisfied of what they have of course they look for a solution to that -Finding Surgery Doctor- to implant silicon’s or doing a breast lift...etc... The reason why they do it they said is to build more confident to themselves and to look sexier for a men. Oh yeah, what so good to have big bust by the way? For a sexual pleasure or for good on baby feeding. [?] Hmmm… not ME and I really don’t care if don’t have a big bust such like that. People know not all men and women are like to have big bust. Though there are some like. But please.. just be yourself lady- be confident of what you are after all God made you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Art Of Letting Go

Many of us experienced of losing someone who very dear to us. As said by, People are really come and go, and letting go is the hardest thing to do to give up! I know people can relate to that, even I. So, want to share with you the memories of my past. Here.

I was once falling in love to someone who is very nice and he seems almost perfect to me. It was an intense feeling of love for a very young teenager [me] then. Whom not afraid to love and be loved in return. God, friendship and Love are the recipe to grow our relationship. We actually meet in the church, member as young people choirs started as friends until we develop and become lovers. For more than 2 years, the infinite laughter, joy and pain for being together has finally broken. I found out that he is sick- has cancer. He had it for so long even before we meet. I was so clueless at that time before I knew it until I notice his sudden changes. Our blissful relationship turns into misery. Now here it comes, the hardest part of all, he left me. I felt so bad- very bad. Try to say it’s over but I couldn’t and that makes my life so hard then.
It took me years to accept the reality of the fact that I couldn’t see him again. It’s so hard for me to let him go. Really time can heal. People around who cares me much are the reason of holding on and for me to continue my life.

And then when I had relationship again after him, it didn’t work out right. But the only difference today’s experience is that I easily learn to let him go even though it hurts me. Guess I’m just learning. Somehow I learn that love is not to be selfish, let them go whatever people makes them happy. And find them to realize the art of letting go.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Mama revealed she likes to eat chocolate when she pregnant me. That was why I’m wondering why I have a brown spot birth mark in my lower chin and how I possess chocolate to the max! In other words, I’m a chocoholic!
Then, I always make sure to have it on my bag or in my drawer at work. I always have a bite after meal or when I do leisure time watching TV. I ate chocolate when I’m sad or feeling down. I ate chocolate to provide a quick energy boost especially when I have my monthly period or when I’m get so tired, that’s how I tickled myself. Most of us know chocolate as a deliciously decadent sweet that we eat and I have a sweet tooth and that’s maybe also the reason why I like it. I read some article about chocolate and I have attached below some good news about CHOCOLAT – CHOCOLATE [note: italic caption is my personal comment]
Here, read on.

More About Chocolate and Your Health

Is Chocolate Addictive?
Millions of chocolate lovers insist that the sweet gives them a major “emotional buzz” and hooks them like a drug. Is there any hard evidence to support their claims? According to the consensus of reports from current research, not really.
I must say, chocolate addiction is psychological, not physiological. I might emotionally suffer if I don’t eat the chocolate, but I’m not going through physical withdrawal.
Chocolate can’t give you a strong, physical “rush.”
Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals, including stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine. But these stimulants aren’t present in large enough quantities to significantly affect the brain and nervous system.

Oh this is great! I’m not that really ate a large amount of chocolate nor not everyday and still this is a great news, right people?
Chocolate isn’t chemically habit-forming.
Researchers at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, California, report that chocolate does contain some minor mood-altering substances. These chemicals seem to mimic the effects of marijuana, to a small degree. In other words, they trigger physical and psychological responses in the brain that are similar to those induced by THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.However, to get “high,” studies show that you would have to eat more than 25 pounds of chocolate in one sitting. And these chemicals cannot make you physically addicted to chocolate.

Of course, all I know no one can stand eat at least 25 pounds of chocolate in one sitting. For me, I ate a little just to ease my craving.
Chocolate can be a culturally created craving.
Despite the above facts, self-professed chocolate addicts aren’t delusional. Research performed at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, the American University, and other institutions seems to indicate that the human obsession with chocolate is more likely the result of learned behaviors and cultural factors rather than chemicals.As for chocolate’s other mood-elevating properties—carbohydrates present in the sweet can raise serotonin levels in the brain and lead to a feeling of well-being.

Well, no one can resist biting chocolate even if a little amount. Not unless if you are diabetic.

Eating chocolate will not raise your cholesterol.
Chocolate and cocoa butter contain two main saturated fats (palmitic and stearic acids) and one mono-unsaturated fat (oleic acid). Unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid is a neutral fat and does not appear to raise bad cholesterol (LDL). Oleic acid is the same type of fat in olive oil and may actually raise good cholesterol levels (HDL).
This is good for those who want to loose weight, isn’t it?
But chocolate also contains sugar and fat.
Most of these studies don’t address how much chocolate is needed to achieve health benefits, nor do they mention any long-term benefits or risks of eating chocolate.

However, this has taught me to be vigilant, to pay attention to the smallest symptom of early onset disease like diabetes or hypertensions. I know not all chocolate is healthy. We should always look the good for our health.

To those who have pets, please note this.

Chocolate contains chemicals that dogs and cats cannot process.Dogs and cats can’t metabolize or excrete theobromine, a mild stimulant found in chocolate. In some pets, theobromine can trigger seizures, cardiac irregularity, and internal bleeding, and can even lead to death.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pussy CAT

I LOVE CAT ever since when I was young. I preferred cat than dog, to me they are so lovable and sweet, I really adore them. I don’t usually buy them, it just happen they came along to our house and sometimes I saw them in the street, it was totally strange cat. From dirty and skinny pussy cat, I made them to a healthy and cutely cat! I have a new pussy cat, he is 1 month old now, very bubbly and his name is Yuwan [to read like U-one]. His mother is originally own by our neighbor and they abandoned them when they found out that the mother cat is pregnant, and they transferred to stay in our house a couple of months ago until a pregnant mother cat gave birth to her two pussy cat baby [1boy & 1 girl]. I choose a boy to stay since when our other neighborhood would like to adopt the mother and the baby girl. At first Yuwan is always crying looking for his mother he even don’t eat, I’m so worried and It came to a point that I decided to take a leave from my work just to take care Yuwan and guess what, my Mama angry with me but I don’t care because I know Yuwan needs me at that moment. Until finally he became close to me and he is now officially part of our family. They took cared Yuwan when I’m not around and I’m happy to know that my family loves my pet too! Yuwan is like my baby, I always look around him everytime I came home and when he saw me, he scratch his hair to my leg and like to bite my feet and he always following me. Yuwan give me so much joy and I feel ease from tired work everytime I play with him. It's really FUN.

Friday, October 7, 2005

NO Pain NO Gain

When I first enter to our Taebo session exercises our instructress reprimanded us how these four words [NO pain NO gain] important to those people who want to achieve their goals. It needs a lot of self-discipline and willingness.Let’s rephrase it one by one;
Self-discipline – yeah, okay, we need to watch out our food in take, so we need to [diet]. Bad! How can we start do this? You see, there is much kind of foods in store offered out there. In our country, a food business enterprise is the number one seller in the market. Hey, people love to eat! We can not resist the temptation. And so, our instructress said: Look at yourself fatty belly… what happen to the food you take now? And why are you here in my room? Ouch!! It irks us…those fatty belly reacted like that. He he.
Yeah right, she has a point. We need to have self-discipline in order to achieve that. And feel more beautiful inside and out. Fine.

Willingness – so to say, if we are willing to do the task like having discipline and does an hour of none stop exercise we can gain self esteem and a healthy body. Sweat…sweats…sweat… that makes you feel good after all. It’s very very painful at first I know, but in the end you will be going happy to see the results.

This is good for our health but gosh it’s difficult! So, c’mon and get up fatty belly and do the move!! And shake our booty … shake your booty, yeah!

to know more Taebo insights click on this

"Eat anything but Less"

Thursday, October 6, 2005

a month of "Ber"

If it’s already month of September the first thing come in my mind is Christmas instead of my birthday. Yes, because you can start hearing a Christmas song on radio station anywhere here. Also everyone started greeting you Christmas even if it is a joke. Some people starting display their Christmas decors to their home or even in the mall!
That’s how we feel the spirit of Christmas here in P.I. very early…
Not to mention, some native people living in the rural area started going down to the city for them to do their job, Christmas caroling. How irritated I was seeing them doing that since it’s not yet Christmas. [!] It seems they are force to do it not just for a moment, but I think for living. You can not blame me because they do it for four months (from September, October, November & December). [?] [It sucks!] But I feel succumb when they serenaded me with their own native language music, I can go in dance and beat their drum even if I don’t really understand what they sing and I’m not so sure if they sang a Christmas song. He he. The thing is they enjoyed what their doing. Anyway, according to them give love on Christmas day, I ask myself [only on Christmas?] Well...that’s another story.

Fave Movies

Watching movie either in television or in a cinema is one of my preferred past time ever since. I could still remember when I was still in grade school then and we don’t have our own Television set yet, mom always find me to our neighbor house watching TV. I don’t know what’s in it to feel obsessed. Now when I become matured [should I say. naks! He-he] my watching attitude of any show is even now my habit. But I select only a good story movie to watch whenever I feel like it. There were two my favorite movies which Is good and a super blockbuster hit, which strike me most.

Title: City of Angel by Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan & The Passion of the Christ by Jim Caviezel.

City of Angel -is a romantic story. I feel in love to its unique story, very light, but [Bang!] it touched my heart and learned how love conquers to human. And how faith is important, how love makes us change.

The Passion of the Christ –is an epic story. Been watching Christ story movie since when I was a child. Well, how can we miss this to watch since no other show can be shown in any television network every Holy week season except a Biblical story movie, again and again same character an old black and white cinematography?
Not this time.
Because they made these a fast pacing story, the plot is very good, their dialog is very original, even how they made Christ suffer is very painful [were strike your emotion] for you to cry and repent [?] even the cinematography is very good also. And it’s a very controversial movie.
One thing I don’t forget is I cried while watching this movie from the very beginning unto the end of the story. Until my eye bugs is noticeable swollen. First time in my life I cried that much [for a movie!] I don’t know… maybe I’m a sinner… maybe because I love Christ.

That’s how I relate it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Birthday message

Lately, I become more eager to celebrate a special day like birthday’s, valentine and Christmas. No it’s not just for the foods, for the gifts [oh well, sometimes LOL] that I’m longing for, it’s an actually the thought of a greeting messages. And so everybody sending me a wishful and hopeful message is what I treasured most. For me it can’t be stolen from you it keeps in you're heart and mind.
Last month I received a very unique card from simple thoughts of a child and it means a lot to me.
Like this one attached a Birthday message written to me by my smart niece.

Happy birthday Tita (Auntie)

May the Lord God bless you.
I wish you could buy a lots of new dress, shoes, sandals & 5 bedrooms.

I think do you have a lots of money so that you can buy a blow out.
In summer we will go in Davao if we have a money.

Do you know what is Canada” highest point?
The answer is Mt. Logan like Mark Logan, diba. (right).
I love you


[Ang tawa ko!] I laugh out loud! After reading her notes. I can not imagine how a 6 years old child can write this birthday wish to me. Ooh know... not only just a wish but also had me a trivia question. [?] Ha-ha. Where can you find a birthday card such like this, huh?
Only to her. This is what I’m trying to say [treasure] the wits of a child.

Smile for YOU

Here’s a quote that I wanted to share with you guys. I got this from a friend of mine; he forwarded this message to me a couple of months ago. Please read on:


Smiling is infectious: you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected
Let’s start and epidemic quick, and get the world infected!

That’s how they want us to do! Well, it’s good to start a day with a smile it gives us a positive
attitude and that’s how I wanted to do.
[photo attached is edited: it's my face & leah's face]

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Web cam

At around 12 noon today I received a text message from my friend. She’s actually living now in the States. I really missed her terribly since she’s one of my best buddy, not just that but also a true friend of mine.
And so she message me informing with the entire excitement icon that she finally have now a web cam. [Ngeek!] He he. My initial reaction was [LOL], it isn’t that something new to me, she used to have that when she’s here in P.I. that’s why, and so when I scroll down my keypad and continually reading her message to me and was surprise to what had she said. She’s telling me about her homesickness drama and she likes to chat online with us her friends here and wanted to see our face while chitchat using web cam cause she really missed us terribly too! Ohh...I’m so touch… and then I immediately send her my reply compromising my time with her for us to talk and see her online.

One thing that I realize is that we are now in a world of more new technology made us people connecting to each other so easy no matter how million miles away.


Bad Habit

I’m really, really had a hard time to wake up early in the morning. To me it’s like a punishment. [Haaayyy… ang katawan KO ay parang mantikang nilalamigan Na kailangan pang initin SA apoy para bumalik SA dati nyang itsura.] Ang hirap kaya non-! And it was like my body clock runs slowly and I can’t even open my eyes widely and so I need somebody who drag me from my bed. [ SOS, ano ba yan!] After that I directly go to the [comfort room] to release all the germs and bad spirit of my body. Take notes, my eyes are still close and feel a sleep while taking out the pooped in me. And finally after depositing my germs to the toilet bowl, I feel release and awaken! Aahh.. I feel good! Now, I’m doing my second step, SHOWER, to take all the bad smell and germs attach my skin that makes me feel always stress and ugly. And then moving on to take brush my teeth. Moisturize my skin and do stretching. [What exercise after taking a shower?!?] Yes dude, it is True, I’m not dreaming. That is what I usually do and that is my style.[Hehe]. Well, maybe because I always get tired waking up early and so I need to refresh my body first so I can do whatever I want to do. The worst thing is I always running out of time choosing a good pair of clothes to dress up and can’t do make up my face and still I end up late timing in the office. Always. Dude.. I’m not proud of it just give me a lot of time I know this Bad habit of mine will definitely change in a right time.[Hehe]

my Blog

I'ved been reading Blog post from ASAWA site members, sometime in June this year. Have two favorite blogger which I’ve been eagerly waiting to read their post everyday. Other people life experiences and views are very interesting to know. Yes, indeed. And so why i should not have post since I'm a human too![haha] I have so much thing that I wanted to share so I decided to creat a Blog for myself here.
So people, welcome me and watch out for my stories...
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