We all use and love Gmail, it is undoubtedly one for the most popular email services available anywhere, and that too for free. But did you know that using Google labs for Gmail, you could transform your Gmail account with some pretty interesting stuff that is sure to save you some precious time and overall improve your Gmail-ing experience.
Here’s some fun add-ons you can get, just click on the green flask on the top right corner of your gmail inbox page and get started!!
1) Google docs gadget
A particularly useful one that puts all your recent google docs in a neat gadget in the side-bar. This will provide quick links to your docs by saving you some precious clicks..
2) Google docs preview
Another interesting labs add-on that display a short preview of any google doc that has been shared with you by mail. Helps to decide if the matter requires urgent attention or can be put off untill later..
3) Message sneak peek
My favorite!! Simple and efficient!! Just right click on any message in your inbox to get a quick preview of the message. This works awesomely if you are expecting to read short emails without much effort.
4) Mouse gesture
Switching between emails is as effortless as moving your mouse, with this add-on. Just right click and move mouse left or right to go to previous or next email!!
5) Right side chat
If you do add calendars and such to your side-bar, it is bound to get cluttered. Move your chat gadget to the right side of the email list for a more visually pleasing and easy to use, uncluttered look. But know this, this will hide the google ads that show up on the right.
6) Superstars
Starring an email will never e the same again!!! This add-on will give you many interesting ways to mark your Gmail. Different coloured stars can be very helpful if you want to mark email specifically for later.
7) Undo send
Worried that you sent out an email before it was ready, or worse sent it to the wrong person?? Dont worry, it happens to the best of us, but not anymore!! Undo a sent email for upto 30secs after sending it!!
Unread message icon
If most of your work is in your browser and you have to keep switching to your gmail tab to check for new emails, then get this add-on.It puts a gmail sign on the tab that the account is open and it displays a count of unread messages.
9) Inbox preview
Working on the internet on a slow connection can be a pain, and waiting for your inbox to load adds to it!! By enabling this add-on you will get a quick text only snapshot of your inbox while you wait for it to load, its just good sense to use your waiting time wisely.
10) Move icon column
Another simple and elegant addition to your Gmail inbox!! Simply moves the icon column from the right hand side to the left to make icons more noticeable.
Well these are only some of the best add-ons according to me. There are a bunch more of them available, just give them a try and choose for yourself. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome.
[Guest article by Chaitanya Khanapure, an app+ Google fanboy]
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