Inter-Xect is a location sensing search engine that allows one to broadcast intelligent systematic information about a product, a service,contests, jobs, finance, property, services, books, blogs, exhibitions, new product launches, news, etc.
Inter-Xect is an enterprise and people tool, and enterprises/users are allowed to broadcast systematic information through the Inter-Xect broadcasting engine and this broadcast information is available for search in the Inter-Xect search engine. The system allows broadcasts and searches to be geographic and time specific.
Essentially, the Inter-Xect search engine operates on data provided by users/enterprise and enables enterprise<->people engagement. The system facilitates five kinds of search variations:
1. by keywords
2. by broadcast content
3. by enterprise or individual name
4. by assisted search
5. by an integrated web search engine
The platform currently in a very early stage and it will take a few iterations for the team to really nail down on the offering – right now, it is trying to build an enterprise service as well as consumer service and most importantly, the team needs to simplify the offering (and what it really means apart from using industry jargons).
The search engine API/webservices may be used in Tablet PC’s,GPS Navigators,Car Gps Systems and any other mobile device with GPS based location sensing. Download the Android/WP7 app and give the service a spin.
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