The venerable figlet program, a true mainstay of ASCII art, is able to render ASCII fonts. If you don't know what that could possibly mean:
/) , , /) /) /) , /)
_/_(/ _ _ _ // // _ // _ __ //
(__/ )__(_/_)_ (_(/ _(_(/_(/_ (__(/_(_(_/ (__(_/(_ (_/_
/) .-/
(/ (_/
The venerable figlet program, a true mainstay of ASCII art, is able to render ASCII fonts. If you don't know what that could possibly mean:
/) , , /) /) /) , /)
_/_(/ _ _ _ // // _ // _ __ //
(__/ )__(_/_)_ (_(/ _(_(/_(/_ (__(/_(_(_/ (__(_/(_ (_/_
/) .-/
(/ (_/
_ _ _ _
| | (_) (_) | |
__ _ _ __ __| | __ _ ___ _____ __ _ _ __ _ __| | ___ __ _
/ _` | '_ \ / _` | / _` | \ \ / / _ \ / _` | '_ \ | |/ _` |/ _ \/ _` |
| (_| | | | | (_| | | (_| | |\ V / __/ | (_| | | | | | | (_| | __/ (_| |
\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| \__, |_| \_/ \___| \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_|
__/ |
_____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ __ __ __ _ _ _ _
( _ )( ___) (_ _)( )_( )( ___) ( \/ ) /__\ ( \( )( \/ )
)(_)( )__) )( ) _ ( )__) ) ( /(__)\ ) ( \ /
(_____)(__) (__) (_) (_)(____) (_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__)
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8 8888 .8' `8. `88888. `8888888P' 8 888888888888 `Y8888P ,88P'
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!@! @!@ !@!
@!@ !@! @!!!:!
!@! !!! !!!!!:
!!: !!! !!:
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'||' || .|''|, || .|''|, ''||'' ||
|| || || || || ||..|| ||
.||. .||. `|..|| .||. `|... `|..' ||
`..|'The above were picked from a list of 163 fonts, the ones I have installed at the time of writing. If you like, witness Beauty lies in the eYe of the beholder typeset in all 163 fonts, many of which are exquisite, bizarre, or both.
Figlet has a home. Go forth and render!
{\{\ , /}/}
{ \ \.--. \\ , / / }
{ /` , "\_// \\ .-=.( ( }
{ \__\ ,--' \'--" `\\_.---,='
{_/ _ ;-. '-, \__/ \___
/ '.___/ .-'.-.' \___.'
| __ / / // /-..___,-`--'
`=\ \`\ `" `"
`/ / /
'././ Created by Joan Stark, aka `jgs'.I find the frilly design of Joan's site a less than satisfactory accompaniment to her beautiful ASCII artworks, but it is not big a deal.
- Marilyn Monroe in realistic style (click for viewing). This kind of image is usually made by automatic conversion from a gif, jpeg, or other format image, and presented (and created) in reverse video (light characters, dark background). The background than plays the role of shadowy parts in the image, thus creating an illusion of depth.
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d8P 88888888b d88888888888 b8b
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88 88888888888 8888888888 88
98b 88888888888P 988888888 d8P
988 888 8888P _=_ 9888898 88 88P
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: : O ! : -\>' : _\ \O : ##### : ? :
: __O ! : /\, : (*/*) : (*\'<_>This was made by me for a former collegue who had a bike accident and did not remember one bit about it. Luckily he recovered well. I modified several existing bikers and added the last two pictures. Apologies for the missing attributions.
- More ASCII art examples are to appear here (but the rate at which they appear is awfully slow).
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