Some interesting application on the web that wntd us to write about them. Give it a try and let me know if they are worth or only good to throw eggs at. Read on for context.
1. is social recruitment tool. It is a simple way to notify others in your network via twitter (Facebook and LinkedIn support will be available soon) that you are either trying to fill a job or searching for a job. Users post very brief descriptions of their jobs or profiles on, and then they automatically get broadcast weekly to their friends on twitter. The status updates can be stopped at any time if the user chooses to do so. also creates a block of text from the information provided that you can paste into your email signature.
2. Let Me Know - A social venture that spreads information about internships, scholarships, events and competitions from around India. The mailing list has about 21K subscribers and new opportunities are posted regularly. A must try for students and fresh graduates.
3. MyFaveTeacher is teacher review portal. It lets Indian students rate their teachers anonymously on a scale of 1 to 5 in three categories: Subject Clarity, Helpfulness and Easiness. The teachers with bad overall rating have a ‘thrown egg’ at their profile page. The objective is to ensure a platform for Indian students to review, and thus influence, their teachers and the entire educational system in the process. Small step but an appreciable one for a larger change.
Give them a spin and spread the word if you like.
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