photos via here
Bikram Yoga is a set of 26 specific postures which need to be performed in a certain sequence in an environment that is 100-Fahrenheit degrees. Doing Yoga in this environment sweats you real big time. At the end, the rewards could give you peace of mind, stress free, great postures and a beautiful aura.
Because I did Yoga at home in a normal temperatures that doesn't mean I won't get the same results as what stated above. Just because I follow the 26 postures seriously (even though some of them are so hard to do) and two times a day- one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My body is already flexible but not enough to be a guru. Hee hee
I love how it affects my whole body now. It gives me more energy. Well, I used to be energetic back when I was 20'ish, I rarely gets low-bat. In fact, I did Taebo exercises for 3 years then. Somehow my energy gets low when I stopped exercise regularly. But no more lazy butt now. I need to work out, I have to!
What about you are you with me?
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